We are often asked about the benefits of Rv travel with our family. The simple answer is it allows us to spend quality time with our family and create lifelong memories. We have been able to do this as we travel around the country in our Rv.
This post will delve into the myriad benefits of family RV travel, a lifestyle that has enriched our lives in countless ways. RV travel has become an integral part of our family’s story, from the freedom to roam at our own pace to the bonds forged through shared adventures.
Whether you’re a seasoned road warrior or new to RVing, we invite you to join us as we uncover the magic of family travel on wheels.
The Story of Four Old Rusty Bikes & Why Family RV Travel is Important
One day, when preparing to make a dump run, I realized why our RV was essential and why our family RV travel time mattered. I was loading up four rusty old bikes into my truck when I realized those bikes had been on most of our trips. These four old bikes had helped create lifelong family memories. I thought of all the fantastic National Parks those bikes had been to and some of the crazy stunts performed on them. That’s when it came to me. Our RV is so important because it allows us to spend time creating family memories that will last a lifetime.
These four rusty bikes were a lot more than just old tossed-aside bikes. They were reminders of great adventures. Whether they were ridden through Yellowstone National Park, where our boys learned to repair a bike tire and fix the chain, through corn fields in Iowa, or around our favorite RV park, Cherry Hill Park.
Below is a video of a great evening at an RV park in Kennebec, South Dakota. This town had a population of 281 at the time and had little to offer regarding things to do. Thankfully, we had the bikes and created this video full of laughter.
Life…..It Goes On…Don’t Miss Out

In 1954, the great American poet Robert Frost was interviewed for This Week Magazine. He was asked, “In all your years and travels, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve learned about life?” Robert Frost’s answer to this question helps sum up the importance of family camping and creating memories in our opinion. Frost responded, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”
Life will go on around us regardless if we stop to enjoy it or not. If we focus all our attention on work, wealth, materialism, and all the other distractions in life, it will still go on. It is so important to spend quality time with our families because as life goes on, it also passes by.
Although life goes on, we will forever have these memories from our family RV adventures. RVing will forever be woven into our family’s memories.
We hope this blog will inspire other families to get out and make important memories before life moves on.
When a Moment of Family Rv Travel Becomes a Memory

When talking about creating memories I often think of the great Dr. Seuss line above. Often, when you are in the moment you never really know the importance of that moment. Some moments become great memories that stay with us forever, while other moments are lost. Those that do stay with us are there for a reason.
The boys biking adventures in Yellowstone, and what we as a family refer to as the Great Bike Jumpo are great examples.
One place where the bikes really got some use was Yellowstone National Park. We stayed for four full days at Yellowstone. Two days were at the Fishing Bridge RV camp, and two days at the Grant Village RV park. The first day was very tragic and difficult for our children. It was so difficult because there was no cell service, and no WiFI. We were all lost. Fortunately, this only lasted one day.
On the second day, they took off on the bikes and did some adventuring. They were on their own, in the wilderness of Yellowstone riding bikes. Of course one of the bikes ended up with a flat tire. They returned to the campsite, and figure out how to replace the blown tube By the time we left Yellowstone, they knew how to replace a flat bike tube, replace the brakes, and get the chain back on when needed.
The Great River Jump | Unknowingly the Last Bike Moment
We were staying at the Hagerstown / Antietam Battlefield KOA on our way to visit the Antietam National Battlefield. Read about our Civil War stops on our blog post..This small campground sits right on the banks of the Conococheague Creek.
At one point our son decided he was going to jump the creek on his bike. Of course, we all knew he would not make the jump. It was an impossible feat. However, there is one thing about Marcus you need to understand. He is a natural showman. Even he knew he wouldn’t make it, but he wanted to crat some laughs, which he did.
It was not uncommon for Marcus to ride around campgrounds on this bike “patrolling” to make sure we were safe. He would take his bike and do crazy “stunts” in an effort to entertain us on the road. Yet this was going to be the last time on this bike. We had yet to learn the value of this moment.
Looking back on it we still laugh, and we now know the importance of that one moment in time
Only One Bike…The End of Something…Or the Start of Something New?
During 2020 we went on five different Rv trips. Only on one of these trips did we bring a bike. Yes, only one bike. The days of carrying four bikes on the back of the Rv seem to be over.
During our three-week New England trip, there were no bike stunts, no patrolling campgrounds on bikes, and on adventures around the campground on bikes. The bike now had a new mission. The bike was only used to get snacks from the store or get to the pool a little quicker. It was during this trip we knew that as our boys had become teenagers, and we were in a time of transition on how our Rv travels would go in the future.
The Most Important Lesson? Do Not Wait
Of course, it is ultimately the Rv that allows us to travel, and make such great memories. Yet these four old, rusty bikes seem to have a place in so many of our adventures.
When we think of Antietam we don’t remember the site the Rv was parked in. We don’t remember the pool. However, we will always remember the Great River Jump.
When we think of our journey through South Dakota as we made way for Yellowstone we remember the vastness of the great plains and the Bike Backpack.
Whenever we talk about the bikes other stories creep back into our memory, Who could forget Bryce flying down a hill at Nickerson State Park when he lost his brakes. We will never forget him screaming “I CAN’T STOP!” as he took everyone out on the bike path!
It is so important to take time to be with your family to make memories. This is the most important benefit of Rv travel in our opinion. We know that not everyone can buy an Rv. Not everyone can hit the road for three weeks a summer and travel cross country. Just take a weekend and getaway. Go camping, Get outdoors away from all the craziness of life. You never know when that one moment will turn into a memory of a lifetime. We offer a few tips to help make sure your Rv travel is memorable on our Tips for Rv Travel blog post.
These four bikes have been taken to the dump, and will never see another camping trip again. Yet our travels will continue, and we will make many more memories. However, these bikes and their memories will always be with us. So the biggest benefit of Rv travel is having these stories and sharing them with our loved ones.
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Why do you RV travel? Do you RV travel with kids? Do you have any other benefits or Rv travel to share?